


Form Follows Function. 似合うという機能。

The American architect Louis Sullivan once made a statement.
“Form Follows Function.”
What we strive for is the “Fabricate individual function” as we don’t design through decorativeness,
but device forms through personalities, imagining to reach new realizations and discoveries.
Our brand name O8 derives from the phrase in Go, “Okame Hachimoku,”
which means a third party can determine the pros and cons of matters better than the players.
We develop craftsmanship that suits various users using the expertise
cultivated over the history that has continued for over 100 years.

Hat Labolatory

Hat Labolatory

O/EIGHTH is a hat laboratory that researches and considers
what makes a hat look good, based on over 100 years of hat-making know-how.
By classifying the shape of the face and deriving the form of the parts,
we build products that fit various personalities.